Thursday 6 April 2017

How to make Fantastic Presentations - Tip 1

Minimalistic Presentations
Tip 1- Give up to Gain More

People all across have realise the benefit of leading a minimalistic life, reducing wastage and eliminating all the unnecessary things out of their way. This helps to increase the focus and reduce distractions.
I apply same to our presentations. It is very important to reduce distractions and keep the engagement levels high during our presentations. If we keep a minimalistic view and design our presentations with that goal in mind, half of our task is done.

Question: How can you engage your audience more and reduce distractions?

What needs more emphasis - text or an image? Well, both meet their individual purposes – for example, text should be preferred where statistics and numbers are involved, while an image shall take precedence to create a higher visual recall.

Follow: “Give up to Gain more” approach

Let’s look at an example below.

Is it possible to make this more aesthetically appealing, ensure none of the key datapoints are missed and more engaging for the audience? Lets try this,

The above is an example of a statistics that we very often use in our ppt. In any statistics the focus is on numbers. This helps audience to pick up the relevant information quickly without losing interest.

Coming up Next .... 
Tip 2 - Cut the crap!    

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